Best Little Alchemy Cheats and Guide website with the full list of 580 elements.
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Starting Elements
1. water (= fire + ice)
2. fire
3. earth
4. air
A - 25 Combinations
5. acid rain = rain + smoke, rain + smog
6. airplane = bird + metal, bird + steel
7. alarm clock = clock + sound
8. alcohol = fruit + time, juice + time
9. algae = water + plant, ocean + plant, sea + plant
10. alien = life + space
11. allergy = human + dust
12. alligator = lizard + swamp, lizard + river
13. alpaca = mountain + sheep
14. ambulance = hospital + car, doctor + car
15. angel = human + bird
16. angler = human + fishing rod
17. ant = grass + wild animal, wild animal + sugar
18. antarctica = snow + desert, ice + desert
19. aquarium = water + glass, glass + fish
20. archipelago = isle + isle
21. armadillo = wild animal + armor
22. armor = tool + metal, tool + steel
23. ash = volcano + energy
24. astronaut = human + moon, rocket + human, human + space station, human + space
25. atmosphere = air + pressure, sky + pressure
26. atomic bomb = energy + explosion
27. aurora = sun + antarctica, sky + antarctica, antarctica + atmosphere
28. avalanche = energy + snow
29. axe = blade + wood
B - 42 Combinations
30. bacon = pig + fire
31. bacteria = swamp + life
32. baker = human + bread, human + flour, human + dough
33. bakery = house + bread, house + baker
34. banana = fruit + monkey
35. banana bread = bread + banana
36. bandage = blood + fabric
37. bank = house + money, house + gold
38. barn = livestock + house, cow + house, house + hay
39. bat = mouse + bird, mouse + sky
40. batman = bat + human
41. batter = flour + milk
42. bayonet = gun + blade, gun + sword
43. bbq = campfire + meat, campfire + garden
44. beach = sea + sand, ocean + sand, water + sand
45. beaver = wild animal + wood, wild animal + dam
46. bee = flower + wild animal
47. beehive = bee + house, bee + tree
48. beer = alcohol + wheat
49. bicycle = wheel + wheel
50. bird = life + sky, egg + air, egg + sky, air + life
51. birdhouse = bird + house
52. black hole = star + pressure
53. blade = metal + stone
54. blender = glass + blade, blade + electricity
55. blizzard = snow + wind, snow + storm, snow + snow
56. blood = human + blade
57. blueprint = engineer + paper
58. boat = water + wood
59. boiler = steam + metal
60. bone = corpse + time
61. bonsai tree = tree + pottery, tree + scissors
62. book = paper + wood, paper + story
63. bread = dough + fire
64. brick = clay + fire, mud + fire, mud + Sun, clay + Sun
65. bridge = river + wood, river + metal, river + steel
66. broom = wood + hay
67. bullet = gunpowder + metal
68. bulletproof vest = bullet + armor
69. bus = car + car
70. butcher = human + meat
71. butter = milk + pressure, energy + milk
72. butterfly = flower + wild animal